Prenuptial Agreements

When you are preparing for marriage, the last thing you may want to think about is a future divorce. But the sad reality is that nearly 750,000 divorces are filed each year in the United States. This means it is smart to invest time into planning your financial future. Our firm can help you draft premarital agreements to keep your assets protected and safeguard you from debt in case the worst does happen.

A prenuptial agreement may be a wise choice if:

  • You stand to inherit or have inherited a large inheritance
  • One or both spouses are bringing significant assets to the marriage
  • The spouses want to avoid conflict in case of future divorce
  • One or both spouses owns a business

Bank accounts, businesses, investments, and real estate are all subject to property division during a divorce. In Colorado, courts are required to make an equitable distribution of all marital assets and debts. A prenuptial agreement gives you the peace of mind of laying to rest issues related to property division in the case of divorce. It can often help couples to address potentially sensitive financial issues before they become emotionally charged in the divorce process.

Contact an Experienced Family Law Attorney to Help You Draft Your Prenuptial Agreement

We can guide you through the common pitfalls and solutions that can so often come up in preparing these agreements. In Colorado, a prenuptial agreement must meet certain disclosures requirements before it can be enforceable. The last thing you want is for your prenuptial agreement to be thrown out by a judge down the road – we can ensure your prenuptial agreement is done correctly so you can have the very peace of mind you sought.

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